Which Kiln Dried Logs?
Our products are split into four segments: mixed hardwoods or economical hardwoods, ash, birch and oak.
Mixed Hardwood Firewood
K-Dried Mixed hardwoods economical hardwoods, which is our bestselling category, are produced from lower density hardwoods, like black alder, alder, bird cherry, maple and other species. They burn quicker with a nice aroma and are often used in catering and smoking. These species have been used as wood fuel for wood burners for years due to the greater availability of material and their lower price. The pros are their lower price and the cons are their lower heat output compared to denser species.
Birch Firewood
Like ash, birch hardwoods is another hardwood and it’s good to burn, especially if you require heat quickly. Its bark is an excellent fire starter because it is similar to paper and has a slightly pleasant, sweet aroma that is unique. Birch’s silvery flaky bark is perfect if your logs are on display. We recommend this firewood if you only have occasional fires and want to generate high heat quickly. Birch logs are particularly effective when you burn them with slower burning logs.
Ash Firewood
One of the best kinds of firewood to burn is ash firewood, as it produces minimal smoke, has a high heat output, burns for 4-5 hours, has a nice subtle mild aroma, and provides good quality coals. It is easy to restart a fire with ash or add more wood to the burning embers. It’s important to consider maintaining your chimney if you’re using the firewood in a log burner or fireplace in your own home. You need to prevent the build-up of creosote, which is also called black tar. Ash’s low sap levels mean it will produce less creosote than many other kinds of wood. So, ash is a great firewood to pick if you often use your fire and are looking for a long and sustained quality burn.
Oak Firewood Oak is much sought after as it produces excellent heat even when there are only the embers left. It burns fairly slowly with nice flames and is categorised as a heavy hardwood. The dark brown bark is deeply ridged and rougher when you touch it. The density of oak firewood means it can be difficult to get a fire started. It is particularly great when mixed with either birch or mixed hardwoods.